Jesus Christ as Your Lord

In Romans 10:9 we read that one must “…confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus…” as a requirement to become a born again one, a Christian. However, is Jesus still lord in your life? How much of your life is Jesus lord of? Colossians 1:18 If these home viagra sildenafil buy remedies are not sufficient, it is essential to treat acidity permanently. Don’t hesitate browse around for source now buy cheap levitra to ask anything you want to give people. In those cases some purchase levitra online medicine can be produced that shows the efficiency similarly. It is the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, which has a negative effect on man’s ability to function in the bedroom, and if you have problems with your sex life or impotence, you’ll probably find help in special exercises known as Kegel exercises. buy 10mg levitra tells us that Christ, as the head of the Church, is to have the first place in everything. A strong statement for a powerful concept – Jesus Christ was not just confessed as lord once and then demoted but rather is to remain the lord of our lives.

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